Sustainable development

In Harmony with Nature
We care about the environment!
We bring waste paper to life!
The company's neighborhood is located in a charming place covered by the Natura 2000 program, which obliges us to take special care of the natural environment. For this reason, we introduce the latest solutions that minimize our impact on nature. We try not only to meet, but also to exceed the requirements of environmental protection programs such as Natura 2000. Our commitment to nature protection is a priority for us, and an innovative approach allows us to achieve our goals in a responsible and sustainable way.
Kartony królik w stylu origami otoczony zielonymi liśćmi.
drzewo z kartonu
Control of Production Processes
Minimizing Emissions and Sustainable Development
Control of the production process at every stage allows for achieving record low pollutant emissions while significantly increasing production. All activities are carried out on the basis of an integrated permit, a water law permit and a permit to participate in the Community greenhouse gas emission allowance trading system, including carbon dioxide, which strictly regulates the scope and possibilities of using the natural environment.
Sustainable Waste Paper Solutions for the Future
The products offered by Packprofil are made of waste paper obtained as unnecessary waste in other companies or from entities dealing with the collection of secondary raw materials. Thanks to us, this waste paper gains a "second life", finding its use again. All of our products are suitable for reprocessing and can be recycled to a large extent after use, in accordance with our 3R philosophy (Reduce, Replace, Recycle), i.e. Reduce, Replace and Recycle.
Schemat procesu recyklingu tektury z logo Packprofil: makulatura, recycling, produkt.
Benefits of using our products
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Occupied space
By reducing the volume of packaging material, you gain additional space in the warehouse and the ability to load more goods. Reducing weight and volume is the key to huge savings.
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Be the first to benefit from the company's constant development and try out our innovations.
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Properly selected, safe and lightweight high-quality protective packaging will avoid customer complaints and will prove useful at all stages of production, sales and transport.
Using environmentally friendly materials will improve your company's image.
Increase customer satisfaction by delivering intact, easy-to-unpack goods while solving the problem of over-packaging.