
The economic success of the company is achieved through the high quality of manufactured products and positive image in the market
Recognizing the above principles, our company “PACKPROFIL” implemented a quality management system in 2002 in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001.Concerned about the environment, we introduced an environmental management system in 2003 in accordance with ISO 14001. At present, the integrated management system significantly influences the better organization of our company, as well as the increased confidence of our customers and clients. The implementation of an integrated management system allows us to grow, strive for excellence while caring for the environment.
Ikona zielonego dokumentu z pieczęcią i znakiem zatwierdzenia.
Scope of the quality and environmental management system.
Quality management system and environmental management system of “PACKPROFIL” company. covered are all processes and activities in the production of recycled cardboard, bushings, angle irons, flat bars and u-profile, feet and cardboard pallets. The system covers the company's premises located in Kolonowskie 3 Zakładowa Street.
Environmental management systemincludes waste management, water and wastewater management, noise emissions, air emissions, prevention of environmental pollution in the investment process.
FSC® – in tune with ecology
The Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) is a not-for-profit global organization dedicated to promoting responsible forest management worldwide. FSC sets standards based on established principles for responsible forest management with the support of environmental, social and economic stakeholders. For more information, visit the website:: www.fsc.org.

At the end of March, we received our FSC® CoC certification (FSC-C147475)  – Chain of custody certification. In order for the final product to be sold as certified, FSC® principles and standards must be followed at every stage of sourcing and processing the raw material.
Packprofil is the winner of the European Medal XXXV edition!
We are happy to announce that our company has been awarded The European Medal, a prestigious award given by the Business Centre Club In cooperation with the European Economic and Social Committee.
We would like to thank our customers, partners and team for contributing to this outstanding achievement. This award motivates us to further develop and strengthen our position in the international market.
Our company was awarded the title of Ambassador of the Polish Economy 2024, which confirms our commitment to economic development and the reputation of Polish business on the international arena. European Brand symbolizes our success in the market and our commitment to the highest quality and standards
Dyplom w ramce przyznany firmie PACKPROFIL Sp. z o.o. za tytuł Ambasadora Polskiej Gospodarki 2024 w kategorii Marka Europejska.
We were awarded Business Gazelles 2020 - ranking of the most dynamic Polish enterprises.
Logo Gazele Biznesu, XX edycja, Puls Biznesu.
Our company is also the winner of the emblem Company of the Year 2022
Logo z napisem "FIRMA ROKU 2022".
We received a recommendation and are a member of
Business Centre Club
Certyfikat rekomendacji Business Centre Club dla PACKPROFIL Sp. z o.o.