Innovative solutions for environmentally friendly transport packaging

We use biodegradable materials and recycling, as well as designing lightweight and ergonomic packaging that minimizes the consumption of raw materials and energy.
opakowanie tekturowe transportowe the box

Ecological substitute for wooden pallets Wide range of sizes and strengths

We use an extremely durable material, cellular cardboard, also known as honeycomb.
Paleta wykonana z tektury.

We care about the environment! We bring waste paper to life!

Control of production processes. Minimization of emissions and sustainable development.
Kartony królik w stylu origami otoczony zielonymi liśćmi.

We are part of the ELTETE Group

Our global manufacturing and sales network covers over 60 countries.
Grafika przedstawiająca proces produkcji różnych opakowań tekturowych wokół zielonego rysunku Ziemi.

We act locally We think globally

Supporting Local Actions and Promoting Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is of great importance to us.
Grupa dzieci w kamizelkach odblaskowych zwiedza magazyn pełen dużych rolek tektury.

Transport packaging

In the interests of the environment, we also purchase waste paper.

We support recycling and waste reduction, thus contributing to the protection of natural resources by reusing raw materials and reducing the negative impact on the environment.
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zrównoważony rozwój

What problems do
our products solve?

hand coin outline

The standard waiting time is 48 hours from the moment of payment, but with us you can receive such a certificate within 24 hours.

image size select small
Occupied space

Reducing the volume of packaging material increases warehouse space, allows for the loading of more goods and leads to significant savings.


High-quality, safe and lightweight protective packaging will help avoid customer complaints and will prove useful at every stage of production, sales and transport.

New Era of Packaging: Safe. Innovative. Eco.
białe tło

Our power numbers say more than a thousand words.

Over the years of our plant's operation, we have checked and analyzed our production. We can show some of these numbers because we are proud of what we have achieved.

About us

Thanks to us, waste paper gains "another life" because all our products come from recycling, and our products are fully recyclable and almost entirely recyclable, thus making a significant contribution to caring for the environment
We work with passion, minimizing waste and caring for the environment, in accordance with the 3R principle (Reduce, Replace, Recycle)
Duża grupa ludzi stojąca na tle drzew, pozująca do zdjęcia na świeżym powietrzu.
Duża grupa ludzi pozująca do zdjęcia przed drewnianym budynkiem, trzymająca tablicę z napisem "Erinnerungsfoto 1908".
Our employees are our treasure. Residents of nearby towns find work with us. We are proud that subsequent generations of people who contributed to the success of our company continue to work here.
Packprofil is a true leader in its industry. We not only offer the highest quality products, but we also stand out with our social and charitable involvement.
Our local activities